Tag Archives: sane

Time to reflect and see outside the box…


Sometimes I seem to be sensible and calm.  Its rare, but this is one of those uncluttered moments, where I have been able to close out the chaos.  I have come to understand that I can only control my thoughts, my behaviour and my reactions…and that alone makes for a hard day as there are moments that my brain won’t turn off my thoughts, my frustrating teenagers tip me over the edge and words soon to be regretted fly from my mouth, and my reactions are over sensitive!  Thats just being a Mom…..right???  Anyway, I have discovered there is new joy to be found in being over 40.  It seems that I have finally become old enough and wise enough to appreciate.  I appreciate kind words, I appreciate hard work, and I appreciate little things.  There is beauty in the weather, in nature, in laughter, in good smells.  There is joy to be found in gardening, and planting seeds and watching what grows.  There is pleasure in fixing things, and making use of old things instead of throwing things away.  There is no longer a need to accumulate stuff, it doesn’t matter that everyone else has this or that, you don’t need it, and you no longer feel the need to own it.  Life becomes more simple and that in itself brings beauty and peace.  I can finally understand why you have so many memories of my dad digging in the garden or of  mom cooking for a whole day.  That is when they found their peace, but back when you were a child it seemed to be a complete waste of time, and totally boring.  Being over 40, does bring new life, but to see it I discovered I need to think outside the box….