Tag Archives: braces

Braces….day 3….


So it’s day 3.  Barbaric torture….that is the truth about braces, I can’t believe I put  my kids through this!  What gets me through the day is the knowledge that I can have a glass of wine at the end of it!  My teeth are numb, I can’t bite or eat anything but baby mush style food, the inside of my cheeks are ripped to shreds.  Yes there is ‘wax’ but to make it stay you have to get your fingers into the back of your mouth and somehow dry the bracket and get the wax to stick on……its virtually impossible.  Then when you think you have done it, the wax will last less than half an hour and fall off and become a floating lump that gets stuck down below your braces.  Lovely….said no one ever.

The bright side is that I am getting used to their presence on my teeth and my lips no longer feel like they are sticking out a million miles from my face.

The funny side is that some people don’t notice I have braces, and others do notice and they stare at my mouth with wide eyes, but don’t say anything!  I wonder if when they have left me I am worthy of gossip??  That might be fun.  I wish I were a fly on the wall when they talk about me.  ‘Did you see, she has braces, she is too old for braces, what a waste of money’…….HA!!!!  Bite me, lets see how my teeth are looking in 15 or so months when they come off, and we will see how much of a waste of money it proves to be.

For today, it is soft food, wine and painkillers that will get me through.  That’s OK, time flies at my age!